PhoneIQ Dashboards let you see reports of in- and outbound calls. This article will go over the Dials to Opportunities Dashboard (see also a full list of our dashboards).
Step 1: Follow the steps at 'PhoneIQ Dashboards - Salesforce Reports' and access the 'PhoneIQ Dials to Opportunities' dashboard.
Step 2: On there, you will see all PhoneIQ's reports of your dials to opportunities ratios.
Understanding Reports
Here is a comprehensive list of every report on the dashboard:
Dials to Opportunities by Day: This shows the number of calls it takes, on average, to convert an opportunity. Grouped by day*.
Dials to Opportunities by User: The number of calls it takes to each user**, on average, to convert an opportunity.
Dials to Close by Day: This shows how many calls were needed, to close an opportunity by day*.
Dials to Close by User: How many calls it took the user** to close an opportunity (on average).
Revenue per Dial by Day: This shows the revenue generated by each dial*** grouped by day*.
Revenue per Dial by User: The revenue generated by each dial*** grouped by user**.
*The date considered is the "created date" of the opportunities.
**Only the original opportunity owner will be considered.
***Considering the revenue of all open and closed won opportunities.
Changing Filters
You can select one of the predefined date filters to limit the tasks taken into account for the reports.
NOTE: When making changes to our default dashboards/reports, we highly recommend to 'Save As' first.
To change the dates or add a new filter, you have to go to 'Edit,'
and once there, go to 'Filters,' to add a new filter,
or to the pencil icon at 'Date' to change or add to the default date values.