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Desk Phone Management

Provision and manage user desk phones and shared devices.

Juan Manchoulas avatar
Written by Juan Manchoulas
Updated over 4 years ago

Desk phones can be created, managed, and provisioned from within the administrator portal, under the locations app and the “Devices” view. PhoneIQ offers two types of devices:

User Phones: Desk Phones assigned to individual users.

Shared Devices: Desk Phones that are not assigned to specific users, but rather are commonly used within conference rooms, reception areas, etc.

Desk Phones can be provisioned in two ways:

Automatic Provisioning: If the brand and model of the Desk Phone is listed within the fully supported device list, administrators will be able to provision them automatically using PhoneIQ’s provisioning URL, requiring no manual input or configuration.

Manual Provisioning: If the brand and model of the Desk Phone is not listed within the fully supported device list but is a fully compliant SIP device, administrators will be able to manually provision the device using the SIP credentials prompted by the system.

User Phones:

In order to create user phones, the creation of users is required. Users will be able to handle calls from their PC and mobile by default using PhoneIQ’s apps, administrators can also assign Desk Phones when required.

a) Access the Devices View within the desired location and click on “UserPhones”
b) Select the option “Add Device”.
c) Select brand and model (if the Desk Phone’s brand and model is not within the fully supported device list, select the option “other”.
d)Select the user to whom the device should be assigned and the Mac Address of the device (only in case the device is part of the fully supported device list).
e) Once created, administrators should provision the phone in order to make it work (visit sections 5.3 and 5.4 for automatic and manual provisioning instructions).

Shared Devices:

Shared Devices can be created by assigning a Name and an Extension Number. These devices don’t have a voicemail box nor they provide access to the different Unified Communications Apps.

a) Access the Devices View within the desired location and click on “Shared Devices”
b) Select the option “Add Device”.
c) Select brand and model (if the Desk Phone’s brand and model is not within the fully supported device list, select the option “other”).
d) Assign a Nickname to the Device, Extension Number, and Mac Address of the device (only in case the device is part of the fully supported device list).
e) Once created, administrators should provision the phone in order to make it work (visit sections 5.3 and 5.4 for automatic and manual provisioning instructions).

Automatic Provisioning:

For Desk Phones that are part of the fully supported device list, automatic provisioning is available. 

a) Create a device in PhoneIQ with a valid 12 digit mac address (usually found on the back of desk phones).
b) Connect the phone to the public internet.
c) Enter the private IP address into your PC’s web browser (note that the pc and the phone should be within the same network).
d) Log in to the Desk Phone using the default credentials (Username: admin, Password: admin).
e) Once you have access to the desk phone’s web interface, visit the settings tab and select the “Auto Provision” view.
f) Enter the PhoneIQ’s provisioning URL in the “Server URL” field and select the option “Auto provision now” -
g) Once this initial phase of provisioning is completed, reboot the phone to start Phase 2 of the provisioning process.
h) Once rebooted the desk phone will be ready to use.

Manual Provisioning:

For Desk Phones that are not part of the fully supported device list but are fully SIP compliant, manual provisioning is available.

a) Create a device in PhoneIQ with the brand and model selected as “Other”.b) Once the device is created, copy the SIP credentials (SIP Username, Password, and Domain).
b) Connect the phone to the public internet.
c) Using the Desk Phone’s physical display, find the private IP address of the phone.
d) Enter the private IP address into your PC’s web browser (note that the pc and phone should be within the same network).

Login to the Desk Phone using the Desk Phone credentials, usually they are “admin” for both username and password, we highly recommend administrators change these default credentials for all desk phones that not using the Automatic Provisioning system.

e) Complete the following fields from within the Desk Phones web interface and click provision: Label (Name for the account), Display Name (The name for the SIP account, will probably show on the phone’s physical display), Register Name (SIP Username), User Name (SIP Username), Password (SIP Password), Server Host (SIP Domain).
m) Provision the device and check that it has successfully registered with PhoneIQ’s telecom platform.

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