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PhoneIQ In Call Actions - Assign to Opportunity

In Call Actions - Assign to Opportunity

Juan Manchoulas avatar
Written by Juan Manchoulas
Updated over 4 years ago

While being on an active call, you will notice on the right panel of the CTI a set of buttons under the name 'Actions', these are the 'In Call Actions', each action can be used in combination with Salesforce in order to increase the productivity of your team. In this guide, we will cover the 'Assign to Opportunity' action.

You can either create an opportunity or assign the call to an existing one.

Create Opportunity

Step 1: While being on an active call, click on the ‘Assign to opportunity’ button.

Step 2: Click on ‘Create new opportunity’.

Step 3: Fill out the necessary fields.

Step 4: After you filled the necessary fields, click 'Save opportunity'.

Step 5: In Salesforce, navigate to the contact and see the newly created opportunity

Assign to an existing opportunity

Step 1: While being on an active call, click on the ‘Assign to opportunity’ button.

Step 2: Click on the 'Show recent opportunities' button or search by opportunity name.

Step 3: Select the opportunity you want to assign the call to.

Step 4: Click on 'Save opportunity'.

Step 5: In Salesforce, navigate to the contact to see the logged call related to an existing opportunity.

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